Xoximilco mexican floating fiesta

Xoximilco pays tribute to the traditions, culture, and folklore of one of the World Heritage Sites by UNESCO in our country: Xochimilco. Come to honor this place of Mexico that fills us with pride!

From the second you arrive, Mexico’s essence presents before you with a Mexican carnival with games, snacks and a musical surprise to start an evening full of emotions.

It’s on board a colorful Mexican gondola, that will take you on a ride through the charming natural scenarios of Xoximilco, where the celebrations, dancing, singing, the toasts and fun games take place.

During the ride, you will enjoy the scents and flavors of a whole country with a delicious dinner with the distinct tastes of Mexican cuisine. And because in Mexico there is no party without drinking, the open bar of tequila, beer, soft drinks and fresh flavored waters will have you shouting all the time, cheers!

The different ensembles playing live music will set the mood so you can dance and sing with the rhythms of the entire country. In addition, a personable host will be with you at all time with games, telling fun stories and guaranteeing a joyful night.
